Simple & clean notes human physiology.It almost cover important topics with their graphics chapter wise which are given below
Chapter 1 Cytology
1. Cell Structure
2. various cell organelles and their functions
3. Tissue
4. types structure and functions
5. Skeleto-muscular system
6. Different types of muscles and their function
Chapter 2 Hematology
1. Blood composition and Function
2. Blood Coagulation
3. Blood groups lymphatic systems
4. Reticule endothelial systems
5. Blood Groups
6. Hemoglobin estimation
7. RBC counting and WBC counting
8. platelet counting
Chapter 3 Cardiovascular System
1. Cardiac cycle
2. Cardiac outputs
3. Blood flow
4. Blood pressure
5. arterial pulse and heart rate
6. Electrocardiogram (ECG)
Chapter 4 Respiratory system
1. Mechanics of respiration
2. Lung volumes and capacities
3. Transport of gases and control of respiration
Chapter 5 Renal function
1. Process involved in Urine Formation
2. Micturition
3. Composition of urine
4. principles of Haemodyialysis
5. temperature regulation
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">nota ringkas & bersih physiology.It manusia hampir meliputi topik penting dengan grafik bab mereka bijaksana yang diberikan di bawah
Bab 1 Cytology
Struktur 1. Cell
2. organ-organ tertentu sel dan fungsi mereka
3. Tisu
4. jenis struktur dan fungsi
sistem 5. Skeleto-otot
6. Pelbagai jenis otot dan fungsi mereka
Bab 2 Hematology
1. komposisi darah dan Fungsi
Pembekuan 2. Darah
3. kumpulan darah sistem limfa
4. sistem endothelial tas
5. Kumpulan Darah
6. Hemoglobin anggaran
7. RBC kiraan dan kiraan WBC
8. platelet kiraan
Bab 3 Sistem Kardiovaskular
1. kitaran Cardiac
2. output jantung
aliran 3. Darah
tekanan 4. Darah
nadi 5. arteri dan kadar jantung
6. Elektrokardiogram (ECG)
Bab 4 Sistem pernafasan
1. Mekanik pernafasan
2. jilid Lung dan kapasiti
3. Pengangkutan gas dan kawalan pernafasan
Bab 5 Fungsi buah pinggang
1. Proses yang terlibat dalam Urine Formation
2. pengencingan
3. Komposisi air kencing
4. prinsip Haemodyialysis
peraturan 5. suhu</div> <div class="show-more-end">